Expert advice comes in many forms, from digital apps and podcasts to support groups and one-on-one talk therapy. In the professional realm, fit is important. Even though different apps or therapists may offer similar services, they have to ‘feel’ right to you. So, try whatever approach feels right and see what fits. You might get lucky and find the perfect fit right away, or it might take a couple of attempts. Remember: you’re in charge of you.

Apps and digital services 

There are ton of mental well-being apps in the market right now, some free and many covered by benefits. Consider virtual therapy like MindBeacon, Headspace, Noojimo Health or Calm, or self-help platforms like Woebot, Clarity or MoodTools. (That only scratches the surface...) We offer a more comprehensive list on our site, but you can also do a little research, read some reviews and see what platform seems like it might be best for you.

Books, videos and podcasts 

The self-help section of every bookstore and library is (literally) overflowing with resources that cater to specific needs. Just going to a local bookstore and browsing can sometimes be really helpful, too, as it can help distill your thoughts and home in on what sort of support would be best for you. Online search will also reveal a ton of resources. Just be sure to stick to reputable sources – names you recognize or sources that seem legit – and do a little research into who they are and what their background is. Hearing stories of others who have had similar experiences to yours can be helpful, but be sure to stick to positive messages. 

Talk therapy 

Talk therapy is one of the most traditional approaches when it comes to achieving mental wellness. There are different kinds of therapies that involve working one-on-one with a trained expert, with others (like your family, partners...) or in a group. Therapists often specialize by need (for example, trauma, anxiety or body image), or by discipline (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy/CBT, Family-based Therapy/FBT or Dialectical behavior therapy/DBT), so start with a resource such as the Canadian Psychological Association or Psychology Today Canada and search for the help you need. Many (if not most) therapists offer remote sessions, so don’t be limited by your location. 

If needed: LIST OF TALK THERAPIES (listed A-Z)

Finding the help you need

Did you know that there’s such thing as equine therapy, dog-assisted therapy or companion animals? Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) relies on positive interactions between people and specially trained animals to help achieve therapeutic outcomes – addressing emotional, cognitive and social well-being needs.

Animal-assisted therapy

Peer and support groups

Although each of us travels our own path, many of the experiences we have are similar to, or echo those in our community. Although there are advantages to being in the same room with peers, many support groups have gone virtual, meaning you have much easier access.

Peer and support groups

Community-focused support

Often, there are great supports available to you through your community, customized to fit your specific needs or experience. Consider options like Healing on the Land, for example, which offers the First Nations community treatment and healing to relearn, revitalize and reclaim traditional wellness practices. Look for similar options in your community.

Community-focused support

More Resources